City of Medellín – Colombia
December 2021
“A project that connects the citizen with the city’s Department of Culture, allows them to exploit their creativity and apply for it in different contests for evaluation and awards. Save physical procedures and transfers”.
Juan Felipe Salazar
Development of a web platform that allows the public relationship of the Department of Culture with citizens, through the creation, publication, participation and evaluation of calls.
Centralize information on cultural events in the city of Medellin and implement in a system the nomination of participants, evaluation of proposals and registration of juries.
Creation of calls
Assignment of activities, documents and general information.
Submission of proposals
User registration, display of active calls and submission of proposals.
Juries and evaluation
Registration, calls and assignment of juries to projects. Evaluation and acceptance of proposals.
Develop a citizen information system that facilitates the management of public resources in accordance with current regulations and coordination with the cultural, artistic and heritage sectors.
Requirements & UX
Definition of solution architecture, development of modules and functionalities, and execution of tests.
Developing, testing
The data model with a data approach towards the process of configuration, parameterization and collection of real estate in the city.
Deployment in production
Configuration and deployment manuals handed out and support in use to production.

- Module of creation, visualization and management of calls.
- Module of registration of resume and election of jury evaluators.
- System for user registration and authentication.
- Visualization system of published calls and application of proposals.
- Notification center.